What is InstantBlue coumassie Alternative?

The best sensitivity allows protein levels as low as 5ng per band to be detected (BSA) when discoloration overnight with Instant blue.

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What is InstantBlue?

InstantBlue is a ready-to-use Coomassie-based protein stain for polyacrylamide gels. InstantBlue is a ready-to-use remedy blot that’s specially formulated for ultra-fast (less than 15 minutes ), sensitive (5 ng per band (BSA)) and secure detection of your proteins. I’m considering Expedeon InstantBlue Coomassie protein stain for polyacrylamide gels.

What is the best Sds Page Gel Staining Solution?

InstantBlue, based on the Coomassie blue stain, provides two key benefits over other available products for faking protein bands from SDS-page gels: It provides a result in 15 minutes in comparison to a single hour average for competing products.

How long does it take to stain a SDS page gel with Instant Blue?

Protein gels can be stained with InstantBlue in minutes without needing to scrub fix or destain. The unique mechanism for coomassie staining of protein gels starts in minutes, and results have been attained over 15 minutes.

InstantBlue has a exceptional mechanism which stains proteins in 15 minutes whilst leaving a background, eliminating the need destain, scrub, or to fix.

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